Homebrew Website Club London

Calum Ryan:

Welcome to Homebrew website club - my website is https://calumryan.com - I started working on it 5 years ago

the most recent change I have made to it is to use CSS Grid for it, which is more cosmetic

My site supports webmentions, and is hooked up to brid.gy for twitter and facebook replies too. I was the first person to post weather status

I post checkins to my site and syndicate them out

Dave Letorey:

I'm Dave - I only just built a personal website at https://letorey.co.uk/ - it has not much design at the moment, but the most important part is the content not the way it looks

as we go into the future wiht screen readers and voice UI how it looks matters less, so rather than worrying about looks I just made a simple grid layout

I don't have any javascript - just simple CSS - the whole point is to learn, and docusmetn what I am doing

Chris Burnell:

I'm Chris - I use my website for testing mainly - I went the other way round and obsessed with how it looked

this year is the year of writing content. I am using webmention.io at the moment - I'd like to add a micropub endpoiny

Kevin Marks:

my website is kevinmarks.com but I have been experimenting with the Beaker browser and Fritter

so my website is also available at dat://b7930c5e0d55aee8aeb6fa996c8e782e2e9b99b62bf25cab0be7ae195f56a158

in other news, we are celebrating one million webmentions https://snarfed.org/1-million-webmentions - and @calumn_ryan brought cupcakes

More news this week - WebSub (formerly known as PubSubHubbub) is a w3c REC and IndieAuth is a w3c NOTE https://aaronparecki.com/2018/01/23/34/w3c-websub-indieauth

the beaker browser is at https://beakerbrowser.com/ and Fritter is at https://github.com/beakerbrowser/fritter

Calum Ryan:

to make your website more indieweb friendly, go to indiewebify.me and try the tools there to see if you have it marked up well

Kevin Marks:

@calum_ryan is walking @dletorey and @iamchrisburnell through indiewebify.me -they're signed into the indieweb.org wiki

Calum Ryan:

I'm working on https://indiewebguides.org/ which is based on the indieweb.org wiki, but focused on less technical users of the web

Kevin Marks:

an editorial on the advantages of #indieweb from @godaddy https://www.godaddy.com/garage/indieweb-facebook-opportunities/

a progressive web app generator that is a PWA itself: https://joreteg.com/blog/pwa-spawns-pwas

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