Homebrew Website Club

Tantek Çelik:

welcome to the second Homebrew Website Club of February, 4th of the year


I changed reader.kylewm.com to support pubsubhubbub so it updates in real time now

last week I was having trouble with superfeedr being able to subscribe but @julien51 fixed it

using kylewm.superfeedr.com now works try it out

Darius Dunlap:

I moved my hosting to a Digital Ocean droplet and I'm going to post on how to do this on https://darius.dunlaps.net

there's a lot of nginx config to set up so my POSSE stuff can work on the new site

Tantek Çelik:

it's important to document how long this config stuff takes

Darius Dunlap:

part of it for me was relearning the new sysadmin ways - nginx vs apache

Kevin Marks:

I am trying to use @medium to post to my site - it now involves using their export process and editing the HTML

if @medium is serious about blogging it would be great if they supported micropub

in other news, Blogger has giving bloggers with Adult content until Monday to make their blogs private

Katarzyna Babula:

I have a portfolio that I coded myself; now I am trying squarespace as hosting for my own site

the e-commerce and blog there is really easy to create. However you have to follow their grid and layout

Darius Dunlap:

I've set up a couple of people on squarespace; there is a developer api

Katarzyna Babula:

I do like how easy to is to blog using squarespace - it feels a bit like cheating

do I want to bake my own bread and be really proud of it, or do I want to buy bread

Elisa Jo Harkness:

it's like having a bread machine

Katarzyna Babula:

yes, as I paid money for squarespace it is just like a bread machine

Tantek Çelik:

I got RSVPs saying no and maybe working, and remote attending - previously I only coded how to say yes to events

a public maybe makes sense, but a public no doesn't often, but being stuck in Sydney meant I had to cancel an event

remote attending isn't a yes/no/maybe - it is another kind of thing

Kevin Marks:

most event systems don't let you have multiple locations; only online events

Elisa Jo Harkness:

a webinar conveys a remote seminar but is rarely anything like a seminar as it isn't people interacting

most webinars are a broadcast lecture or a dialog between speaker and one remote, not socratic dialogue

every time someone talks about disrupting higher education it is about having more people hear a lecture

in the humanities you do the reading at home, but the discussion is the important part

Tantek Çelik:

what we are doing here is more like a seminar

Kevin Marks:

so the chat room is more seminar like than the lecture?

Elisa Jo Harkness:

yes - and trying to get people to structure interaction with each other in chat rooms is hard

I found my peer group in railsbridge, and it is the community that makes it work

there is a lot of bootstrapping and self enablement here (SF), but also a lot of opportunism here- audience seekers

going to a lecture and taking a test probably teaches you less than a seminar, even if you can't measure it

Tantek Çelik:

'academic' can mean writing papers rather than writing things that work

there is a large unfiltered mass from people who have an idea, but people who have built it say "that didn't work"

if you're not willing to commit to your own website

Elisa Jo Harkness:

it is only $10/year to make a website but it feels like a bigger commitment

Darius Dunlap:

how much I spend a month is nothing compared to the time I put into it

Elisa Jo Harkness:

is wordpress the middle ground between squarespace and self hosting?

Darius Dunlap:

wordpress was that middle ground as it made it simpler a few years ago

Tantek Çelik:

wordpress now has got more complicated so you need to manage it too

Known @withknown is the new simplification, with thinking about mobile a key part

Elisa Jo Harkness:

where I'm frustrated is when it is too easy, but then I can't customise it - I care deeply about typography

I'm interested in pocket and instapaper because they take the page out of it's context

Kevin Marks:

a big part of what made blogging matter was the chaotic possibilities that different layouts made possible

there are more ways to express ourselves than the 3 or 4 templates we have from twitter and facebook

Elisa Jo Harkness:

I'm reading things constantly but I'm always in a battle against the open tabs.

I have a set of bookmarks which I will never read but it is nice to think I'll search them sometimes

i feed things into del.icio.us when I have read them, but they only show up in my blog footer

Kevin Marks:

a key thing that slack does it give a link preview for anything you post so you can grasp it, and click later

Elisa Jo Harkness:

the integrations are what is key to making Slack work, as you don't have to use the service they way they chose

Tantek Çelik:

more important than integrating with other independent sites is plugging into where your friends read

keep integrating with lots of other service rather than forcing people to come to your site

Elisa Jo Harkness:

my comedy hack day site was http://ifthisthen.cat/ - do read the api documention