Homebrew Website Club


welcome to the fortnightly Homebrew Website Club - if we have demos of new things, lets see them

Kyle Mahan:

this is woodwind.xyz my reader - when it detects that a post is an event, it adds 'interested' 'going' 'not going'

so I can see the events on indiewebcamp.com and go through accepting and replying them

@aaronpk asked me for this thins week, I'm not sure why


well, Aaron is demoing webmention to the w3c next week, so he wanted more examples

Ryan Barrett:

brid.gy has added a decent amount since I was last here - user mentions and link searches and sends those too

brid.gy extends webmentions to the social networks so if people reply on twitter or facebook you see those too

tumblr switched to a link redirector like twitter's, which broke things and we ahd to rewrite

tantek took his twitter account private, which revealed a lot of extra cases fro us to handle


I found that having private posts meant people tweeted links to my site instead of retweeting

Ryan Barrett:

we also added lots of microformats to the brid.gy user page and so it acts as an api

we also added syndication of video to facebook and twitter, which tantek has been using

we applied for permission to the new Instagram API, so we will have to switch to scraping html

brid.gy costs 2-4ยข per user per month - we found that there were slow things which we improved

Kyle found some slow parts in mf2py, and improved it but there may be more to do

Kyle Mahan:

if you know what the final url looks like, we don't follow redirects; but we do that now

Kevin Marks:

there is sgnodemapper that does that as part of the old social graph api - we should revive it

Ryan Barrett:

suprfeeder crawls a lot of websites and now we sendswebmentions from a lot of pages on the web to you

Kevin Marks:

webmention.herokuapp.com keeps a thread open so if I webmention on my static site, the comment appears in real time

I've been expanding http://mention-tech.appspot.com/ to accept fragmentions as well, and show them as quotes

it also can show the post comments in context for the posts as it caches the jf2 from the source

because mention-tech accepts wm's to and from anything http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-03-09/line/1457580062556 shows in http://mention-tech.appspot.com/listmentions?target=http%3A%2F%2Fmention-tech.appspot.com